Friday, June 30, 2006

My Period Is Really Mucusy

We thank all those who participated in the opening .. Representatives of ARCI

political and religious authorities, other associations, including the PRO LOCO local level, and thank you for the constructive cooperation with the Secretary Elizabeth Montanaro, Assunta Cox, Valeria Marcello and Dino, William Urgolo, Pasquale Fascitiello and other members who have given hand in organizing the evening .... the night was fantastic!

How To Make A Homemade Dunk Tank

Teano: Ubaldo Mesolella, Daniela Cirelli and Maddalena Bovenzi

Creative Titles For A Paper On Eating Disorders

Mayor Feola, Don Monda Mimi and Luciano Mattia sign during the inauguration

2009 High Def Prosumer Cameras

The Chairman and the Dino Marcello

How To Do Your Makeup Like Dahvie Vanity ?

19.30 pm the Chairman, the Executive Secretary and advisers

How Much Does It Cost To Rent A Kiosk At The Mall


How To Interpret Product Dimensions

Opening: 29/06/2006

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

How Dangerous Is Hair Color Remover

will soon be activated an information course on the topics of film and scriptwriting techniques, we inform you that if you are passionate about photography and visual arts can register and work on a difficult interesting.
After the award presentation for the section "The work that you do not see" Ilaria Alpi Award, NIdiL Arci and relaunched with a new contest dedicated to films, dramas and documentaries about insecurity. To participate by September 20, your movies that you download the registration form at the bottom of the page.
Goals at work is a project dedicated to those who said precarious work through fiction, films, documentaries and investigations giornalistiche.Il project, undertaken by NIdiL-CGIL, ARCI and UCCA (Union Arci film circles), is composed of several events, including a contest in which they can participate in short, fiction, documentary, videoinchieste made since the year 2004, for a maximum of 60 minuti.La request for admission must be submitted using the official entry form and must be received, along with the film, not later than 20 September 2006 bando.La address indicated in the award of the three winners will receive a prize of € 6,000 and two prizes of € 5000 each, is scheduled for October 6 in Rome, at the conclusion of a two-day film festival (October 5 and 6) during which - at the Casa del Cinema, the Palladium and La Sapienza University, will screen their film in competition, features the theme of work, and investigations that won the section's work that you do not see the premium Ilaria Alpi.Infine, during the "Week of initiatives on precarious work in Italy", scheduled October 24 to 31, in over 250 events organized throughout Italy by Nidil Arci-CGIL will be screened and the works that have won the concorso.In this occasion will also be made publicly available data, qualitative and quantitative, on precarious work produced by the Centre in Italy established by the national insecurity NIdiL-CGIL, IRES and the University Sapienza.Obiettivi at work is organized by NIdiL CGIL, ARCI, UCCA and promoted by: Regione Lazio, Rome Province, Rome City, CGIL Centenary Association, System Services CGIL, Fondazione Di Vittorio, Faculty of Communication Sciences, University La Sapienza, FNSI, Ilaria Alpi Prize for Journalism in collaboration with Consumit, Unipol Assicurazioni.


audiovisual exhibition and competition

1. Subjects:

- National sponsors
NIdiL CGIL, ARCI, UCCA - Union Clubs Cinema Arci, System Services CGIL.

- With the support of:
Regione Lazio, Rome Province, Rome City, FNSI, Ilaria Alpi Award, Fondazione Di Vittorio, CGIL Centenary Association, Foundation Modern Mario, Unipol Assicurazioni, it Consum

2. Target Aims at work
The review aims to discover, develop and promote the works of film on the theme of work, and particularly the precarious, in all forms in which it occurs. For this purpose, shall issue this call.

3. Honorary Committee
Paolo Beni (ARCI National President), Guglielmo Epifani (CGIL General Secretary), Enrico Gasbarra (President of the Province of Rome), Piero Marrazzo (President of Regione Lazio), Mario Morcellini (Dean Faculty of Communication Sciences, University La Sapienza), Rosa Rinaldi (Vice President of the Province of Rome), Alessandro Tibaldi (Councillor of Labor, the Equal Opportunity and Youth Policies - Region Lazio), Emilio Viafora (Secretary-General NIdiL CGIL).

Executive Committee The Executive Committee consists of David and Elena Zanola Imola and coordinated by Paola Scarnati.

5. Articulation and places

The initiative will be divided into two bands:

- the first is a film festival in Rome on 5-6 October 2006 at the Casa del Cinema, the Palladium Theatre and at the Faculty of Communication Science of the University La Sapienza;
- the program will include screenings of the works selected Italian and foreign films and most interesting in recent years on the theme of work and precarious employment,
- the second time, the review will take place in two hundred Italian places, from October 24, 2006, as part of a week of events dedicated to the condition of precarious work in Italy.


Competition - The competition shorts, fiction and documentaries, videoinchieste made since the year 2004 on any media (film, videotape, videodisc), of maximum of 60 minutes, in Italian (or Italian version).

- To select the films must be in VHS or DVD.

- For the competition, films must be in Betacam or DVD.

The request for admission must be submitted using the official entry form (downloadable from the sites or and must be received, along with the film, not later than the September 20, 2006. the following address: UCCA - Union Clubs Film Arci Via dei Monti di Pietralata 16-00157 Roma Tel 06/41609225 (Angela Gili)

together with: a.
tab full and detailed technical film;
b. detailed summary of the subject;
c. bio-filmography of the director;
d. some photographs and / or slides in black and white and color film (optional) for the catalog of the exhibition and the press;
e. Any posters, flyers, press kit, or any other promotional material for the film.

- The selection of films and videos will be final and binding on the Steering Committee of "Achievements in the workplace".

A jury composed by: Gianluca Arcopinto (film producer) - Mariangela Barbanente (director) - Greta Barbolini (UCCA President, Union Cinema Circle Arci) - Adriano Catani (Deputy Director of Rai Tre) - Marilisa Monaco (National Communication NIdiL CGIL) - Antonio Medici (film critic) - Riccardo Milani (director)

award, according to criteria established by it:

a) a prize in the best short fiction film, consisting of € 5000.00 gross
b) a prize to the best documentary short film consisting of, in € 5000.00 gross
c) an award for the best videoinchiesta, consisting of € 6000.00 gross

addition, the jury will assign a special prize.

On October 6, 2006 at the House of Cinema will be awarded prizes winners

5. Screening of the film
- The management board of the 'Goals at Work "will decide the timing of projections on 5-6 October.
- also agree on the screening program in 200 Italian places with individual organizers, also highlighting additional licenses beyond those already submitted for review.
- All films received will be deposited in the Archives of the A-UCCA, for their preservation for exclusively educational and informative (consultation and borrowing).
- The notes will be marked and available in a specific website

7. Shipping / insurance
- The cost of shipping and insurance of the films to be submitted to the selection shall be borne by the proposers.
- The organization of the event ensures the security of the films, whatever their size.

8. General rules
- Applications for admission to the exhibition "Focus on the work" implies the unconditional acceptance of this Regulation.
- The Steering Committee shall have the right of review of final decision on all matters not specified in this regulation.
- Competition notices and entry forms are available at the secretariat of the Review and can be downloaded from the site or
- Any dispute by the court of Rome.

Secretary's Review:

c / o ARCI UCCA:
Angela Gili
Tel 06/41609225

c / o CGIL NIdiL:
Andrea Lucania, Giampiero Modena, Tel 06 / 44340310 obiettivisullavoro@nidil.cgil.i t

Title: ___________________________________________________________
Director: ___________________________________________________________
Production: _______________________________________________________
Year realizzazione________________________________________________
Format Recovery: _________________________________________________
Duration: __________________________________________________________
summary of the subject: _____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Festival which was submitted: _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________
tel.: _______________ Fax: ______________ e-mail ______________________


- brief list titles (operator, editing, music)
- director data (name and surname. Date of birth, address, telephone and fax, e-mail, phone) and his filmography
photographic material - promotional material


authorize the owner of the film:
- airing on television of songs from the film
- the deposit of a copy of Archive film from the ARCI-UCCA
- the processing of personal data according to DL 196/2003
- the projection integral awareness-raising initiatives organized by the CGIL and the air outside the distribution, film and television.

under my responsibility I declare that the information contained in this application form is true

Signature: _____________________________________________

Date: ______________________________________________

Lots Of White Discharge At 38 Weeks

Short Film Competition who had asked for a copy of our association statutodella ....

Jetski Troubleshooting

They proceed with the activities of our association!

communicate to all members that at last we are part of the mailing list of all the major associations in the area and therefore we will be involved in all the events where they will be sponsoring.
Another important news is the active partnership with the cultural association "I Palazzuoli" thanking Mr. Germano Faella for the attention and the availability mostrataci.
Last week we continued with the banquet to collect signatures for the Committee and we continued with a propaganda event information for the NO (which also won the referendum).
We have many events in the pipeline but we need more work, but it seems to be confirmed by the excursion of July 2, to which all are invited to participate:

Tour all'Orto

The Queen's Gardens Queen's is one of the most suggestive of the whole Regional Park Roccamonfina-mouth Garigliano. With an altitude of 928 m, it is slightly lower than the nearby Mount La Frascara (933 m) but offers the visitor a spectacular view of the plain of the Garigliano, enclosed by a chain of S M. Mass and the hills of North Suio culminating in the peaks of the Mountains Aurunci. Facing the sea, with the Gulf of Gaeta and the Pontine islands on one side and the other Ischia.
The climb is not difficult and through the chestnut forests of the most beautiful in the park, expertly handled by human hands.
The departure is scheduled for 9 am from Fontanafredda washers. We will travel by car to the village forks. From here you can easily go up the ridge of the caldera of the volcano, which forms as a ridge or a amphitheater around a large circular depression dominated by the magnificent MS Cross. In about two hours on foot you will reach the megalithic walls of the Queen's Gardens resort. This is an enclosure formed by huge blocks of lava, probably the remains of what must have been a fortification Samnite or otherwise pre-Roman times. Enjoyed the view will return back the same road.
It is recommended to equip themselves with comfortable shoes (preferably hiking boots or sneakers at least) and to bring a supply of water.

Doctor Antonio Cross-Naturalist Botanical


The Italian Association of Naturalists was founded in Turin in 1974 and has as its purpose the protection of the professional naturalists, the effective training and qualification and, more generally, the spread of naturalistic culture.
can be part of the Association (members) graduates in natural sciences and natural sciences as well as students. They can join the Association (members) all those who, while not graduates or students in Natural Sciences, will share its aims.
Members should have a good preparation for nature and an absolute professional integrity and should undertake not to use their professional skills for speculative purposes and to operate with the utmost respect for the environment. The AIN is divided into sections. In December 1996, the AIN has joined the Council for CNEL not protected by the Associations Register Professionale.All 'Association was established inside the National Membership Directory Experts (RNSE) represents the shareholders who have significant professional curriculum and the acceptance of which is at the discretion of a specific technical committee upon written request and submission of documentation of the curriculum concerned. The AIN several years has enabled the creation of the National Order of Naturalists by presenting

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Request Letter For Internet Disconnection


Another petition was triggered by our club, FOR THE ABOLITION OF THE COST OF CHARGING FOR MOBILE PHONES.
It 'something that happens only in Italy but in all other European countries you pay what you consume. In Italy as well as the consumer must also pay the "cost of charging" which is nothing but an invention of the telephone companies to make even more 'money at the expense of us consumers SIGNED WITH THIS PETITION calling for the abolition of this popular COSTS CHARGE, ALL ITALIAN PROBLEM!
The petition was launched in April for the abolition Cost charging for mobile phones has had a distinguished following: the European Commission, which was among the recipients, examined it and has contacted the author, thanking him for the tip. The petition concerns that the developer Andrea D'Ambra calls "all-Italian anomaly" after being reported by Computer Point has had a big echo from websites and consumer groups and ended up on the popular blog of Beppe Grillo . The number of signatures gathered to date has reached 13 thousand. The goal is to reach the milestone of 50 thousand before the official accession to the European Commission and all ' Antitrust . Much interest has undoubtedly helped bring attention to the initiative of the European Commission, who wrote a letter in response to the author, whose Point Computer shows the text: "Dear Mr. D'Ambra, Thank you for your email of April 2, 2006 in which the Commission informs the system of payment for prepaid cards for mobile phone users Italians. In particular, you refer to the fact that mobile operators apply to Italian users a CD. "cost of charging" on the basis where each user receives a consumption equal to the price actually paid, but, for example, for a charge of € 10, € 8 would receive supplies and cost € 2 charge. The Commission thanks you for giving us provided that such data are considered useful for the conduct of its business, especially with respect to that of monitoring the development of competition in the telecommunications market, in order to ensure and protect the interests of consumers. To this end, I must emphasize that the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission take the utmost account as you indicated and arranged to make contact with the Italian authorities in order to obtain further information about what you allege. We thank you for your information, I offer cordial greetings Angel TRADACETE bake. "" It's great news that comes to us from Brussels, "D'Ambra says with satisfaction." The Commission has ensured that will do everything to resolve this anomaly and has worked in this sense, a good step towards the abolition of this nonsense that exists only in Italy and are the so-called "top-up charges." this site to give us your membership on line .... as we do the promoters of this initiative will be mobilized 17/06/2006 meeting point to discuss these issues at the headquarters of ARCI Roccamonfina, you are welcome and can you give us your membership that we will submit directly to THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION - DEPARTMENT OF COMPETITION AND CONSUMER MARKET - AUTHORITIES 'GUARANTOR OF ITALIAN MARKET AND COMPETITION.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Jelly Bracelet Meanings

First Initiative of the ARCI ARCI

We are working to gather signatures for a citizens' initiative. This initiative comes as
BILL OF PEOPLE broadcasting reform, to ensure pluralism, independence, objectivity and impartiality of audiovisual information in Italy.
We are working in collaboration with the Committee for another TV ( ) and with their support and cooperation we have planned for the 16/06/2006 a banquet that will be set up to gather signatures in the square circle in front of the headquarters of the Roccamonfina.
In this date will be activated several informative point in many cities Italian, and we are waiting for further clarification please consult the website to get to the heart of the initiative.
The Committee relies on the presence of characters known as Enzo Biagi, Beppe Grillo, Franca Rame, Sabina Guzzanti, Max Gazzè and many others.
involved in this initiative are in the high Caserta Maddalena Bovenzi the town of Tean and Julia Martin, President of ARCI, the town of Roccamonfina. We look forward to many

Citing A Book For Biology

Leather Braclets To Engrave

Welcome Roccamonfina

This association aims to be a first point of 'meeting, discussion, debate and discussion, as well as create and / or strengthen our friendship.

will be activated a number of courses and activities aimed at the cultural association in our area, which may also involve external agencies and citizens association, and meetings and forums for members of the same.

Below is a list of projects which we hope to enable, among them the most imminent, which will be initiated and implemented during the coming summer season, with the hope of being able to expand in the near future:

or excursions and workshops as part of nature ' Park Authority.
or conference information and promotion of local products.
Ø Creation of a newsletter updated monthly
or partnerships with Oratorio and other cultural associations in the area. Cine-Forum

Ø Ø Achieving cultural activities, in collaboration with ITALIAN TOURING CLUB, AIS and SLOW FOOD
or projects in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Labor Italy
Ø Collaborative activities and establishment of committees or other bodies associations.
Projects or National Civil Service
or cultural projects that we organize in cooperation with schools (workshops in creative writing, fiction contests, short films and photographic exhibitions)
or partnership with the Youth Information Office Municipal
Projects or study holidays for young students in the area, in collaboration with leading companies such as EF and MASTER STUDIO
or trips, concerts and culinary events
or project being built on folklore, customs, customs and traditions of the past
Ø Creation of a "place" (bar , youth hostel or resort) agreement ARCI.

follow other proposals that we will agree together during future meetings.